The COVID pandemic has changed the way we live our lives in so many ways. Perhaps most of all, it has given us a greater appreciation of the importance of hygiene, of having water to wash our hands and the impact we collectively have on the natural world around us. It has also inspired many of you to update your home, especially the bathroom.

In honour of World Water Day on the 22nd March, we combine this appreciation of the value of water with the desire to have a beautiful bathroom. Here are 3 ways for you to save water and create a spa-like feeling at home, beautifully.

Tap into style

Older style taps are very functional, doing the most basic task of allowing water to flow, and stopping that flow. Given how often we’re all washing our hands, installing a modern tap with a built-in aerator is the water-savvy choice. Firstly, you save as the amount of water flowing through the tap is reduced. Secondly, the aerated flow of water gives a pleasantly soft flow that feels wonderfully pampering.

An added benefit of a modern tap is that they are available in a wide range of styles, colours and finishes so your home isn’t just water-wise but beautiful too. Explore our range of bathroom and kitchen taps to find the most stylish water-saving option for your home.

Making a splash

You have probably heard how much water is saved when you shower versus having a bath, but did you know that you can increase the luxurious feel of your shower while saving water?

A water-saving showerhead reduces the flow of water from roughly 20 litres per minute to about 9 litres per minute. Now, you may worry that you will be left standing under a trickle of water, but that’s not the case, you’ll hardly notice the difference in the amount of water splashing down, but the aerated flow delivers a softer, rainfall experience. Think of it as your own personal spa, at home.

For easy cleaning choose a self-cleaning showerhead with silicone nozzles for a hassle-free way to have a spa-quality, water-savvy shower. Find the perfect one for your home with our EVOX range of showerheads.

A royal flush

There’s much to be said for the way a new toilet can update your space, but it can also save you money on your water bill by using less water. Modern toilets have a slim-line or compact design with smaller cisterns than older models. Not only does this save some space in a small bathroom, there’s also less water going down the drain. No more bricks or bottles in the cistern and a much more attractive option for a beautiful bathroom.

Take your toilet upgrade a step further and invest in a rimless toilet as this uses less water per flush, has nowhere for germs to hide for a more hygienic toilet, and it’s easier to clean.

A soft close toilet seat has nothing to do with saving water, but it is a nice addition that makes your bathroom feel more exclusive.

Browse our range of toilets and toilet seats to find the right one for your throne room.

Saving water doesn’t have to be difficult, or at the expense of creating a stylish space for your family. Most water-savvy products pay for themselves over time while the updated look of your bathroom or kitchen adds value to your home, especially as these rooms are a high priority for potential buyers. Our top 3 water savings tips also deliver a more pampering, luxurious and exclusive feel to your space.

Select the finest products for your bathroom or kitchen water-savvy renovation from our wide range of options. When in doubt, ask a Design Advisor for help in store.